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A budget-beating OEM+ 1995 Porsche 911 Carrera 993

More for less. Is it possible to radically change the appearance and performance of an aircooled 911 without shelling out vast sums of money on engine upgrades and extravagant bodywork enhancements? Thanks to carefully considered, budget-friendly cosmetic updates and a refresh of factory parts, this gorgeous Guards Red 993 Carrera proves the answer is in the affirmative....

Editor's comment

Since sitting down to write the introduction to last month’s issue of 911 & Porsche World, a scarcely believable string of own goals by the British government has seen billions wiped off the UK economy and the pound sink to its lowest level against the dollar since Blighty went decimal in 1971. At the time of stringing these words together, it’s unclear what the full impact of this market turbulence and subsequent interventions by the Bank of England will be, but I’ll wager these events are sure to have many of you keeping a keener eye on your pennies than ever before.

In response to what’s been happening, and away from scheduled servicing, perhaps you’ll be holding back on spending money on your Porsche over the winter months, a time many enthusiasts take to retire their cars from the road and carry out a series of upgrades and modifications in readiness for a return to action in spring? If you’re nodding your head right now, I urge you to read our cover story, showcasing the stunning 993 Carrera seen on this page. Through a series of carefully considered, budget-conscious updates, including a smattering of parts sourced through forums and eBay, not to mention a willingness to get his hands dirty, the radiant red air-cooled classic’s owner, Andy Brookes, has utterly transformed the look and handling of the car without breaking the bank. Even those 959-inspired Rotiform wheels were purchased second-hand. Awesome, aren’t they?!

We’re used to being bombarded with gazillion-pound Porsche restomods from all angles, but Andy’s 993 proves you don’t need to spend big to achieve serious ‘wow factor’ — less can indeed be more. With this in mind, I’m heading to the garage. Maybe I’ll hop online and visit eBay first, though.
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