Search by the «porsche 911 supercharged 996» tag Articles Show filter × Title Article type Basic articleReviewTranslation Apply Porsche 911 996 → Supercharged 470bhp 2001 Porsche 911 Speedster 991.2 Porsche never made a 996 Speedster, let alone a supercharged one, but that’s exactly what Vinny Canakiah has created. Does this unusual Porsche have a clear identity, though? We explore the curious duality of this 911 on a British winter’s day... 2001 porsche 911 speedster 991.22001porsche 911 speedster 991.2porsche 911 996porsche 911 996.2porscheporsche 911porsche 911 superchargedporsche 911 supercharged 996 — 01.01.2023 1504 Nigel Boothman 0