Search by the «porsche 911 targa sc-l» tag Articles Show filter × Title Article type Basic articleReviewTranslation Apply Porsche 911 G-Series and 930 → 1980 Porsche 911 Targa SC-L upgrade 3.1-litre Factory sanctioned Porsche power packages are commonplace in the present, but things were decidedly different in the late 1970s, when Zuffenhausen’s 3.1-litre 911 SC-L upgrade was offered in hushed tones... porscheporsche 9111980 porsche 911 targa sc-l upgrade 3.1-litre1980porsche 911 targa sc-l upgrade 3.1-litreporsche 911 targa sc-lporsche 911 targa scporsche 911 targa — 14.02.2023 1238 Keith Helfet 0