1990 Porsche 911 Turbo 964 also shows its principal creators, Paul Hensler and Friedrich Bezner
Dating from its launch in 1990, this shot of the 964 Turbo also shows its principal creators, Paul Hensler (left) and Friedrich Bezner. As 911 project manager, it was Friedrich’s idea of filling the gap left by the abandonment of the 969 with a 3.3 Turbo 964. Paul was readily supportive and oversaw the modifications to the 930 engine to ensure that it delivered a sufficient power margin over the 250ps 964 Carrera. Both career Porsche men, they arrived at the company from different backgrounds.
1994 Audi RS2 Avant 8C
Forgive us this diversion, but whisper it… other car brands do exist. Hell, there are even other Porsche models out there, and there’s every chance you’ll have one, or at least have experienced them at some point. While we’re not going to stray too far from our favourite brand here, this month’s trawl of the classifieds has seen us take a bit of a tangent because we’ve been looking at Audi RS2s. It’s unlikely you’re unaware of the RS2, but here’s a recap – just in case.
Buying Guide Honda Beat PP1 1991-1995
Great things come in small packages – and affordable ones, too THE MARKET  Buying Guide Zebra-patterned seats are a peculiar thing to be remembered for, but it’s one of the reasons the Honda Beat remains so widely adored 31 years after it was launched. Designed within the confines of the tax-beating ‘kei-segment’ city car regulations, this roadster was aimed squarely at the Japanese domestic market, pushing the very limitations of what could be packaged within such confining parameters.
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