Auto artists for Ukraine

Auto artists for Ukraine

You'll have been watching the horror unfold in Ukraine over the past few weeks, probably wondering what you can do to help. Thanks to the efforts of the Reverend Adam Gompertz, the man behind REVS Limiter (and interviewed in issue 2 of Classic.Retro.Modern.), there's an easy way for you to do your bit, and that's to buy some automotive art.

Adam told us: «Auto Artists for Ukraine is an artist-led initiative that aims to sell as many automotive artworks from as many artists as possible. Within two days of launching the project more than 25 artists had agreed to donate artworks and we had raised more than £3000; after four days that had jumped to in excess of £7500. Our chosen charity is the Red Cross, which is receiving 100% of any money raised through the sale of artworks through this project.»

You can find out more about Auto Artists for Ukraine at sleepingwithart. com/autoartistsforukraine, which links through to the project's Instagram page where you can see the artworks available. Some pieces of art are being sold and others auctioned. Similarly, some are more affordable than others, but there's something there for everyone, so help out if you can.

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